The Vinegar book Great uses of Vinegar

Vinegar articles - Fight germs and combat colds with vinegar - Continued

← Continued from Fight germs and combat colds with vinegar

Three different methods are available when it comes to relieving the pain of a sore throat all of them are very effective in relieving sore throat pain:

1. First method of soothing a sore throat is to mix one-quarter cup of honey with one-quarter cup of vinegar.  Take one tablespoon of this mixture every four hours or as needed.  You can take this mixture more often than every four hours if more relief is needed.

2. Second method of easing a sore throat is easy and as effective as the first method.  Take a glass of warm water and add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to it.  Gargle the warm water mixture to soothe the sore throat pain.  Repeat this method as often as necessary to keep your throat pain free.

3. Third method available to ease the discomfort of a sore throat is as follows:  make a syrup using one-half cup of apple cider vinegar, one-half cup of water, one teaspoon cayenne pepper and three tablespoons of honey.  Get speedy relief of your sore throat by occasionally sipping this syrupy mixture.

You have many options when it comes to fighting germs and relieving cold symptoms.  The use of vinegar is very inexpensive and effective in curing and soothing colds and sore throats with out all the problems with the side effects that other over the counter cold medications offer you.  So keep a bottle of vinegar on hand for when a cold or sore throat arises.

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